I write

A failed business. A pile of debts. A failing marriage. My entire world was fast collapsing when I was told Jesus can save me.

But Jesus did not rescue me.

Bankrupt, broken, ashamed, desperate, confused, afraid, and completely defeated!

Dying… yet a new kind of life was blooming inside of me. It’s supernatural and powerful, filled with all glory and the reality of God, His peace, His love, His joy!

Mat10:29 …whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.

This is my journey to knowing Him as the God who provides.

What they say…

I finished reading your book in one sitting! Riveting!

June Lim

It you want a book to deepen your faith and to convict you, this book will make you look at your own walk with God and clearly see where you can grow in love of God and His Children.

Virgil L.

Thank you for writing this. The Lord is going to use this book to set many lives free. I was especially moved to read of your relentless trust in a relentless God.

Tan Lay Leng

What a wonderful book that shows what it means to surrender totally to the Lord!

Steffi Strawder

Missionary Charlene shares her honest experience as a family sold out for Jesus. She shares the ups and downs of what it was like…and how God came through!


… this book stands as a statement of encouragement and a witness to faith in a miracle working God. A great read.

Meredith Swift

If you are in a place where you wonder about God’s faithfulness, this book will open your eyes to the possibilities!

Darci Steiner


2021 was an amazing year filled with wonderful intervention from God. It started with a shocking discovery of cancer.

I had to leave the mission fields and come back to Singapore for treatment. Cancer, pandemic, without money and without a home.. it was a crushing weight, but God blessed it and made it the best time of my life!  Read about it here.

Charlene Kugler